Your challenge

A lot of money has gone into developing your new product. Unsurprisingly, top management expects sales to take off fast. Your Sales has made it clear that it needs high-quality sales leads to reach its target. And Product Development proudly presents a long list of the product’s features and technical specifications.

So how reach potential customers in your target industries and regions? How create enthusiasm for your new product? And how monitor whether your marketing communication measures have got you on the right track?

Our solution

We at LUMITOS know what it takes for a successful product launch into B2B markets. We recommend the appropriate media and publications, write vivid texts, design inspiring ads, plan successful campaigns and create marketing e-mails that win over hearts and minds. Our aim is to supply you with high-quality sales leads and help you achieve your objectives.

All this allows your potential customers to sense and experience your new product, yielding high-quality sales leads to reach your target.

Your benefits

  • You will immediately generate awareness in your target groups for the new product
  • Your sales team will receive valuable sales leads
  • You will reach your sales target easier and may even exceed it
Your contact person

Johannes Jügel
Johannes Jügel
Key-Account Success Manager
+49 30 204568-10
Contact me


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