Your challenge

You want to make more use of the remarkable opportunities of online marketing and try out new things. But your busy schedule doesn’t allow you to build up in-depth knowledge. Within your company, you don’t have a sparring partner to discuss all your fresh ideas with. Under such circumstances, it is difficult for you to advance your online marketing activities.

Our solution

At LUMITOS we’ll make life easier for you and support you from A to Z in your B2B online marketing. Together, we’ll look at the challenges you face and recommend tried-and-tested measures. We can support you either on a one-off basis or extensively, from planning comprehensive campaigns to implementing multi-stage projects. You will get exactly the type and amount of online marketing support you need to reach your marketing objectives.

Your benefits

  • Achieve your marketing objectives in less time
  • No need for a trial and error approach – you can count on our tried-and-tested methods
  • You’ll benefit from our expertise that we will happily share with you
Your contact person

Stefan Knecht
Stefan Knecht
Managing Director
+49 30 204568-20
Contact me


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