LUMITOS pledges “expert coaching” to winners of the competition “Science4Life Venture Cup 2016”

Stefan Knecht, Managing Director of LUMITOS GmbH (centre), presenting the special prize in the course of the “Science4Life Venture Cup 2016” award ceremony to the successful entrepreneurs Kilian L. Moser (right) and Dr Ulrich M. Tillich of the start-up Oculyze.


Berlin, 13 July 2016 – There was more than one reason to celebrate for the Oculyze team, one of the winners of the competition “Science4Life Venture Cup 2016”, on the evening of July 11. At the headquarters of the venerable Deutsche Bundesbank in Frankfurt, the awards were presented for the best business plans in chemistry and life sciences. In the course of the award ceremony, Stefan Knecht, Managing Director of LUMITOS, formerly CHEMIE.DE Information Service GmbH, presented the young entrepreneurs at Oculyze with a special prize to support them in this early phase of their business: a two-day expert coaching session “Online Marketing for Start-ups” at LUMITOS in Berlin, in which they will be able to pick up state-of-the-art online marketing know-how. “In particular for entrepreneurs, marketing is crucial,” Stefan Knecht knows from experience. “These days, companies have to constantly compete for the attention of their target groups. This requires a lot of expertise and the right marketing measures.”

The award-winning Oculyze team of entrepreneurs from Wildau near Berlin came up with the idea to automatically analyse microscopy images and subsequently submitted their business plan, which they had set up with the help of experts, to the “Science4Life Venture Cup 2016” competition. Their system, consisting of a smartphone, image recognition software and optical extension, can be used anywhere, at little cost and without microscopy skills. The first planned application will be the automated cell count and percentage determination of viable yeast cells, such as those used in brewing processes. Further applications are envisaged in medical, environmental and food technology. “This prize comes at just the right time because, after successfully concluding a pilot phase in the Berlin region, we are now focusing more on marketing. We hope attract the attention of breweries across Germany to our innovation and its potential to save valuable time and money”, says Kilian L. Moser, Managing Director of Oculyze.

LUMITOS, Europe’s leading provider of scientific internet portals and log-standing hub of online marketing expertise, is a silver sponsor of the nationwide business plan competition. “We want to pass on the expertise we have gathered over the years to entrepreneurs in the chemical and life sciences, so they can get off to a good start,” explains Stefan Knecht.

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