Your challenge

You need to publicise a new product on the market in a short space of time. You have informed all the contacts in your customer database. But that’s not enough to generate enough sales leads. How can you now quickly and easily reach more customers who you can get excited about your new product?

Our solution

With a new product on the LUMITOS B2B portals, we put your new product in the spotlight in such a way that your product inspires our more than 17 million users. This will help you win new customers in a short space of time. You can rely on our 20 years of experience with successful B2B portals. Our online success indicators make the success of your new product transparent and tangible for you at all times.

Product innovation at a glance

Performance features

Johannes Jügel
Johannes Jügel
Key-Account Success Manager
+49 30 204568-10
Contact me


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